About Me

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I live in the Florida Keys. I've been in the military and worked inside the Beltway. I've had 22 technical books and two novels published. I fly, boat, dive, shoot, and swim pretty damn well.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Lessons for (Fighter) Pilots

A great story and analysis over at Eject Eject Eject, written by Bill Whittle) of the lessons taught to pilots, fighter pilots, tank drivers, and all smart folks in tough positions by Colonel John Boyd (his Wikipedia bio is HERE)

It is great reading and not that as I post this there are only 696 comments. I can only say, "I wish I'd written this analysis." Well done Bill Whittle.

Here is an excerpt : "In the mid to late fifties, a fighter pilot could earn himself a quick forty bucks and perhaps a nice steak dinner in Vegas – not to mention everlasting renown, which is to fighter pilots what oxygen is to us lesser beings – by meeting over the Green Spot at thirty thousand feet and taking position just 500 feet behind an arrogant and unpleasant man with precisely zero air-to-air victories to his credit. From that perfect kill position, you would yell “Fight’s on!” and if that sitting duck in front of you was not on your tail with you in his gunsight in forty seconds flat then you would win the money, the dinner and best of all, the fame. "

Read it all here

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