About Me

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I live in the Florida Keys. I've been in the military and worked inside the Beltway. I've had 22 technical books and two novels published. I fly, boat, dive, shoot, and swim pretty damn well.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Good Grief! An iPhone flight attitude indicator!

Zow! An extremely inexpensive application for the iphone that gives it an attitude indicator function. I have NO IDEA how well it works, but if has any value as a tertiary backup, then it would justify the cost of the whole darn iPhone for me!

I have successfully kept myself away from retractable gear airplanes, fallen women, and the iPhone, but if this app is any good, it might be the end of me. Velcro the iphone to the panel! I would be thrilled to hear from anyone who had tried it!


UPDATE: The reports from pilots are that the device is just a toy. For example, it doesn't react in a coordinated turn. It wants to feel lateral forces. Overall, I've been very disappointed in iPhone applications. They all seem... incomplete or just kind of a sketch of what they could be. Another example, in a location sensitive device no one (that I can find) has created a "distance / time / calories" application for walkers, bikers, and runners. I mean really.. if the phone knows where it has been and where it is, then it ought to be able to do a simple distance / time / calories computation.


Derf said...

UPDATE: Reports are that it only shows a turn if the turn is uncoordinated. The silicon gyro is looking for lateral forces. Sigh, .. so far the iPhone Apps have been a big disappointment!

Rolf said...

Check again, tried my iPhone 4S and 5 in a coordinated turn - works well..
best regards
Rolf (@rowi.net)