About Me

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I live in the Florida Keys. I've been in the military and worked inside the Beltway. I've had 22 technical books and two novels published. I fly, boat, dive, shoot, and swim pretty damn well.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

The Death of Arthur C. Clarke

I grew up on a literary diet of Arthur C. Clarke, Isaac Asimov, and Robert Heinlein. My John D. MacDonald phase (which I am now living out!) didn't come until later.

Arthur C. Clarke passed away at the age of 90.

This and a lot more from the Website "And Still I Persist" See this link.. for a great essay.

"We grew up wanting to live in their future, wanting to bring that future to pass, to be the technological heroes that they wrote about. So we went into science and engineering, or into related fields. Grab any scientist or engineer over the age of 40 and ask her or him about favorite childhood authors — and you’re likely to hear one or all of the Big Three named. Ask her or him why s/he became a scientist/engineer — and, again, you’re likely to hear the Big Three named."

Thanks to these men for their gift of inspiration!

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